Go Girls! Culture Code

The “Go Girls! Culture Code” is our 5 part Social-Emotional learning framework that bridges art and science and answers the question, “What do girls need to be learning in order to become their boldest, bravest selves?”

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Being a Go Girls! means we:

  • Say Yes! – I am ready for anything.  I say yes to keep the fun going.  I say no to keep myself safe.

  • Give & Take – I give to others and I am happy.  I take in the good and I am healthy.  I am a Go Girl! and I belong.

  • Make Mistakes – I am not perfect.  I celebrate myself for learning and trying.  I get to grow and change.

  • Feel My Feelings – I feel happy and angry and everything in between.  I can act calm…even if I’m not.  I am just right as I am.

  • Take Center Stage – I make bold and brave choices.  I have the power of my voice, body & imagination.  I am part of the whole play.